Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Cruiser Chronicles #1

After tonight's bike ride, Mark had made the suggestion of writing the experiences that I have down.  I figured I need to start reporting funny things that happen to me while riding my bike.

"It's like riding a bike", is not always a true statement.  For many years, I have been kind of apprehensive about riding a bike.  It stems back to my brush with death back in '97 when I took my brother's mountain bike to get myself to dance class.  For those who are not from the Scranton area...there are not many flat surfaces anywhere. I coasted along and got to a hill (Clearview Street) that would take me down to Main Ave and next to the studio.  I was really picking up speed and truly cruising, until halfway down I realized the brakes were not working. So, I did what any other person speeding on a mountain bike with no brakes would do...I freaked right the hell out!  There was a main road directly in front me and no way of stopping...oh but wait I was wrong.  All I heard was breaks squealing and the sound of my brother's bike and my face crunching against a building on the opposite side of the busy road.  Lol...when I got up a woman came out of the building I just smacked into and told me she thought a car ran into the building.  No, was just me.  A few people from the cars were there asking if I was alright. The one car missed me by a few inches. I got up, shook myself off and walked the jacked up bike across the street and went to dance class. LOL

So, now I live in Delaware where everything is flat and have decided to get back on that horse and try it again.

Wednesday was beautiful during the day, so we decided we would go for a short bike ride after dinner.  When we left the driveway, we realized it was too windy and chilly and decided to just go around the block.  As we were approaching an intersection in the neighborhood I thought Mark was going to go straight, but he then decided to make a right.  I cut the wheel and as I proceeded, I was struggling to find my pedals (totally lost my footing).  HAHA!  Mark looks back at me and asked if I was alright.  I had to confess to him that I couldn't find my pedals.  He laughed at me the rest of the way home.

and Tonight...we were getting ready to head out of our driveway and I asked which direction we were going. Mark said, "Let's make a right."  So, I did what any logical person would do...I made a left!  As Mark headed in the opposite direction, he yelled "Where ya going?  I said make a right."  I responded "We are going this way now!"  Haha...I couldn't get myself to turn the bike around.  Once I mustered up enough courage to turn my bike and head in the other direction...Mark and I passed each other because he started following me again.

What makes this funnier is that a few of my neighbors got to witness this scene.  Oh lord!  And this is why I wanted an old school bike with simplicity and NO gears!  LOL


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