Sunday, November 15, 2009

1 month!!

Ella is now 1 month old and has grown so much!  At her 1 month visit, she measured 21 inches and weighs 9.75 lbs.  She is doing great eating and loves bath time and floor time.  She is "Cooing", "Caaing" and telling us stories.  Too cute!

For the past few nights 1 a.m. is playtime for Ella.  She is a regular party animal! When everyone is in a deep sleep...Ella, Mark and I are doing bicycle kickies, reading books and pacing the floors.  She finally crashes around 5 a.m.  Coffee is definitely a close personal friend of ours!!  : )

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh wow... where did the time go already???? Love the blogging thing... and the pics!!!
    Luv u guys
